Hello! I'm Chelsea.
A lifelong, multi-passionate entrepreneur. Raised by entrepreneurial parents, I always believed I could create my own path. Each business I’ve created has been a stepping stone to the next. I’ve currently found my place working alongside female business owners in various capacities. Alongside growing businesses over the last 17 years, I was growing babies...now teens. I’m a mom to four amazing humans(including twins)!
Journaling and spending time going inward. Connecting with family.
Enjoying moments with my family and every ounce of sunshine I can get.
My goal is to help women release fear and overwhelm, to give them the thing they really want- Power in their purpose.
If I’m not podcasting or managing my screen printing company, I’m in the field, coaching women.
It took my breath away and I still get chills every time I think of that day. It put into words perfectly what my mission in serving all of you is. FIRE for your life, for your goals, dreams, your people, yourself, and your purpose….but, not at the expense of the PEACE in your soul. We fight for both. We choose BOTH.
Is this something you can relate to? Maybe you have the fire, but have lost the peace?! Or maybe you feel at peace, but aren’t sure what lights you up in life? Now is the time to focus on THIS. All sides of it. We can dance with both.
My superpower is helping women become the best version of themselves while pursuing the kind of life they actually want.... one with abundant freedom, joy, and peace.
I am the host of The Dance of Growth podcast, which is currently ranked in the top 3% of global podcast! Each week I interview guests and focus on growth in all forms. Together they encourage listeners to embrace all experiences and seasons, as a gift to grow.
video or image here
Worship music
steak salad
rutheless elimination of hurry
The Golden Bachelor
My Favorite Things
Traveling — especially to cute cafes in Charleston like this one!
my happy place!
The Beach! It's my zone of serenity where all of my best ideas happen.
Accessorizing. I'm that girl with 47 pairs of earrings and a closet of full of shoes. Hey, we all have our passions in life.
My Favorite Things
Sunshine. Wayfarers kickstarter semiotics, quinoa godard dreamcatcher hexagon pop-up hoodie.
Ice cream. Microdosing gochujang keffiyeh salvia. Hoodie knausgaard art party.
my guilty pleasure
Photos! Hashtag fashion axe palo santo fanny pack, ramps cornhole messenger bag asymmetrical.
Let's get started!
Coaching women in business is truly my passion. My mission is to create the perfect dance of fire in your heart, and peace in your soul. Fulfillment and alignment in your life and business. We will talk strategy, marketing, pricing, product development. One-on-one coaching gives us the perfect opportunity to cover all the details. All tailored to you!
I am excited to work with you!
Ready to Jump in?